The Price Of Money Is
Monetary theory
The relation between money and what it will buy has always been a central issue of monetary theory. Crucial to understanding this matter is the distinction economists make between face (or nominal) values and real values—that is, between official values stated in current dollars, pesos, pounds, yen, euros, and so on and the same quantities adjusted by the price level. The latter is a "real" value, meaning the real quantity of goods, services, and assets that money will buy. This can also be understood as the real purchasing power of the money stock.
The demand for money
Economists have generally held that the level of prices is determined mainly by the quantity of money. But precisely how the quantity of money affects the level of prices and what the effects are of changes in the quantity of money have been conceptualized in different ways at different times. There are two principal issues to consider. First, what determines the demand for money (the amount of money that the public willingly holds)? And second, how do changes in the stock of money affect the price level and other nominal values?
A government or its central bank determines the nominal quantity of money that circulates and is held, but the public determines money's real value. If the central bank provides more money than the public wants to hold, the public spends the excess on goods, services, or assets. While the additional spending cannot reduce the nominal money stock, this spending will bid up the prices of nonmoney objects, because too much money is chasing the limited stock of goods and assets. The subsequent rise in prices will lower the real value of the money stock until the public possesses the real value it desires to hold in the aggregate. Conversely, if the central bank provides less money than the public desires to hold, spending slows. Prices fall, thereby raising the quantity of real balances.
The amount of desired real balances for a country (that is, the real value of money within a country) is not a fixed number. It depends on the opportunity cost of holding money, the direct return earned when holding money, and income or wealth. A short-term interest rate is the usual measure of the opportunity cost of holding money, but money holders participate in many different markets, so other relative prices may affect real money holdings. Inflation increases market interest rates and thus raises the opportunity cost of holding money. In countries experiencing rapid inflation, the real value of the money stock shrinks because people choose to hold less of their wealth in this form. If inflation is brought to a halt, however, the opportunity cost of holding money will drop, and real balances will rise.
Inflation has a particularly strong effect on the demand for money because currency pays no interest, and checking deposits typically receive little or no interest return. (Most of the direct return to money balances takes the form of transaction services and convenience.) As the opposite of inflation, deflation raises the return on money that is held by giving each nominal unit greater command over goods and assets. Consumer spending will thus decrease as people hold onto their money in expectation of lower prices in the future. Other phenomena affecting the amount of money that people willingly hold include income, wealth, and some measure of transactions volume. Increases in the real value of these measures will be followed by increases in the amount of real balances.
Transmission of monetary changes
Quantity theory of money
From the very earliest systematic work on economics, observers have noted a relationship between the stock of money and the price level. Often the relation was one of proportionality, as, for example, when the price level rose in direct proportion to an increase in money. By the middle of the 18th century, systematic observers such as John Locke recognized that changes in money affect the output of real goods and services, but they also found that this effect vanishes once prices adjust fully to the change in money.
An early formulation of this insight was expressed in the quantity theory of money, which hinges on the distinction between the nominal (face) and real values, or quantity, of money. The nominal quantity is expressed in whatever units are used to designate money—talents, shekels, pounds, pesos, euros, dollars, yen, and so on. The real quantity, by comparison, is expressed in terms of the volume of goods and services that the money will purchase. According to the quantity theory of money, what ultimately matters to holders of money is the real rather than the nominal quantity of money. If this is so, then—no matter what factors may determine the nominal quantity of money—it is the holders of money who determine the real quantity and, in the process, also determine the price level.
An illustration of the quantity theory
In the following example, the quantity of money in existence in a hypothetical community is $1 million, and the total income of the community is $10 million per year. On average, each member of the community holds an amount of money equal in value to one-tenth of a year's income, or to 5.2 weeks' income. Put differently, the income velocity of circulation is equal to 10 per year; that is, each $1 on average is paid out 10 times a year. (For the sake of simplicity there are no business enterprises in this example; the members of the community buy and sell services from and to one another.)
Now assume, in the case of this example, that the quantity of money in this community is somehow doubled, but in such a way that no one expects the quantity to change again. All members of the community regard themselves as better off. Each now has 10.4 weeks' income in the form of cash instead of the previous 5.2 weeks'. If everyone were to hold onto the extra cash, nothing further would happen. But experience dictates that people will try to spend it to reduce the amount of wealth held as money. Because this is an example of a closed community, one person's expenditure, however, becomes another person's income. All the people together cannot spend more than all the people receive. The attempt of each to do so is bound to be frustrated. In the attempt to spend more than they receive, people will simultaneously try to buy more of various services from each other and to sell less. To induce others to sell, they will offer higher prices; to induce others not to buy, they will ask higher prices. Whether the quantity sold goes up or down depends on whether the attempt to buy more is stronger or weaker than the attempt to sell less. But in either case total spending is sure to go up and so are total income and prices paid. When income has doubled, to $20 million, the amount of money in existence will again be equal in value to 5.2 weeks' income. The community will have succeeded in reducing its real cash balances to their former level, not by reducing nominal balances but by raising prices and the money value of incomes. The process of adjustment may not be smooth—spending may go too far and leave people with real balances that are too small, requiring a subsequent fall in the price level—but the final position will tend toward a doubling of prices, and the previous real flows of services will be resumed with no one any better off than before the new money was distributed.
This simple example embodies three of the most basic principles of monetary theory: (1) the central distinction between the nominal and the real quantity of money (because to each individual separately—in this hypothetical example and in the real world—it looks as if income is outside personal control, but each individual can determine how much cash to hold); (2) the equally crucial contrast between the alternatives open to the individual and to the community as a whole (because for the community as a whole, the total amount of cash is fixed, but the community is able to determine the size of its income in dollars); and (3) the importance of attempts (that is to say, the collective attempt) of people to spend more than they receive, even though doomed to frustration, because this ultimately raises total nominal expenditures and receipts.
The Price Of Money Is
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